An Introduction to Voice in a Million, What We Do, Why We Do It, How We Do It, and What Your Child Will Get From it.
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Read More About Us
How Can My Child Join Voice in a Million
There are three options for a child to join Voice in a Million
1/ Take Part with their school or group.
Many thousands of children have already taken part in VIAM as part of their school or performance group choir. Some of these choirs take part in our events, others simply run our VIAM repertoire as part of their regular choir sessions. If your school or group run one of these choirs or are planning to take part in one of our events, you will probably have been notified by the school or teacher. You will find more details of what is required below.
2/ Join as an individual.
We are unique in that we will teach your child our full repertoire, which changes every year, through this website. Each week we post new online tuition videos and a great deal more, which will enable your child to practise at home; and still feel part of the choir. They are able to ask questions and receive one to one guidance either by sending us a question via the online support form in the secure Choir Members Area…or by clicking live support on the Live Chat Boxes at the top and bottom of this screen. There is a minimal charge for this membership. We have members online, from all over the world, including the UK, France, Germany, Australia and the USA. Our repertoire and Tuition is currently only in English Language.
You can Join your child as a VIAM Choir Member HERE
Individual members can also take part in any of our events. If the child is under 16, we have secure chaperoned areas within the choir seating for individuals, or alternatively we also have areas within the choir seating, for a child and parent accompanying them. They can register here to take part……click here to view an example of one of forthcoming events.
3/ Join one of our Weekly Academies.
We do run weekly (Sunday) academies in the UK, Surrey and E Yorkshire; there are also a number of new local choirs opening, which are run independent from VIAM, but follow our repertoire.
In addition, we also run auditions regularly for Stage Choir Parts. Our Stage Choir is the choir members that have featured or solos within our events, and are seated on the stage during the performance. Details of how to apply for one of these auditions can be found below
Register For Parent Membership
We recommend that each parent signs up on the site as a Parent Member This is FREE of charge and gives you access to everything you need to know about your child taking part. Forms, T shirt Order, Health and Safety Procedure, Child Protection Policies; Box Office details and your child’s rehearsal materials. You can register HERE
For Parents of children taking part in one of our events.
Each child taking part in one of our events requires our event T shirt. These are purchased in advance of the event and delivered to the child on the day of the show at the venue.
T Shirts can be ordered here, by choosing your event, then the size required. Buy Your Event T Shirt
We Require that each parent signs a Parental Permission which will be sent to you by your school, or you can download one from the Events section, choose ‘Events’ from the top bar; and then scroll down to the event which your child is taking part in. You will also find this and all other relevant information and documents relating to the show in the Parents Area of the website.
To find your event and more information on your event click here
We suggest that every parent reads the documents relating to the event, our participants guide which includes what to wear, what to bring, details of refreshments, breaks, health and safety, timetable etc.
On the day of the event, we do stock a range of low price VIAM souvenirs and VIAM merchandise for the choir to purchase. Prices start at £1.
Merchandise areas are open during the registration period on arrival, prior to going into the auditorium and throughout the day.
If you wish for your child to be considered for a solo or featured part in any of our events, please register for the next available round of auditions.
Register your child for an audition here
Tickets to come and watch your child perform can be purchased here