Many have asked why we charge a fee to audition. The fact is that we don’t charge to audition, we charge to become a member of this site and to have access to download all of the tracks and lyrics. Every time one of those tracks is downloaded, we have to pay copyright to the songwriter or copyright owner. We make it easier to allow members to download the current repertoires of our shows; and considering the number of tracks involved, the royalty can be quite substantial. I am sure most parents know how much it costs to buy just one backing track when they buy them from the internet. Our audition fee also includes the cost of the T shirt to take part in the event in the choir.Everyone that auditions can take part, whether or not they are successful in their auditions for featured parts.
If you are already a member of this site or have paid for your T Shirt to participate in one of our events, there isn’t a further fee to pay for auditioning; and we will try and develop something on the site, that allows members to register to audition. In the meantime, if you are already registered to take part in one of our events or are a registered full Choir Member on this site, email, if you want to audition.
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